"Amazons Rise! Amazons Resist!"

March 28th - April 25th

The waitlist is up for my online course, Amazons Rise! Amazons Resist! beginning in March. You don't have to make a commitment yet, but if you get on the waitlist, you can see what the course is all about in more detail. I am in a potent mood of female resistance and I hope to magnetize many of you to join me in learning our true herstory--not the tired old idea of mythical (fictional) Amazons, but real life women warriors and priestesses from ancient times until now. Resistance to patriarchy comes in many forms and any one of us can be a modern Amazon in her own particular form and expression. Please join me in this 5-week course!! 

This course is cancelled until further notice

matriarchal motherpeace course #3

June 2024

Now you can develop more awareness of the explicitly female-centered symbols and missing matriarchal history depicted in the reknowned Motherpeace Tarot images. My first book, Motherpeace: A Way to the Goddess through Myth, Art, & Tarot, was published in 1983; it is full of descriptive information on the nuanced meanings of the Motherpeace Tarot images. Behind the traditional divinatory meaning of each card are layers of scholarly and experiential research into female shamanism, yogic knowledge, Goddess magic and healing, earth-based Indigenous wisdom, esoteric studies, archaeology, anthropology, and psychology. The course is open to beginners as well as advanced practitioners, as our focus will be less on divination and more on content found in the images, from the four elemental suit cards representing different ancient world cultures and the Major Arcana (pictured above) that tell an evolutionary story of world history from the beginnings of human culture and civilization. Registration details to come.

As an optional preparation for this third course, you may wish to watch the recordings from the two introductory courses I taught through Infinity Foundation in 2023. The courses (1st and 2nd level) focus on the esoteric systems I have developed in four decades of international teaching of the Motherpeace system of divination.